Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Good Egg


Eggs once were once known as the nutritional no, no for quite sometime, but quite frankly what would we do without the egg?
Eggs as a food are laid by the female animals of many different species which includes birds, amphibians, fish, reptiles and mammals and have been consumed by our human species for thousands and thousands of years.
The most commonly consumed eggs are of the chicken. Other popular eggs can include the duck and the quail also fish eggs are called roe or caviar.
Eggs certainly is a dietary mainstay and sometimes the main staple not only for our breakfast but for so many other meals today as well.

The Good Egg

Good eggs for nutrition, they are very hard to beat. Eggs have so many benefits and are known as a powerhouse of disease fighting nutrients.
Did you know that eggs are a good source of vitamins, and antioxidants? Vitamins: A, B6, E and contains Copper, Folic Acid, loaded with Iron, Potassium, and Calcium. Along with choline which supports and boots brain development, memory and concentration. Lutein and Zeaxanthin which supports vision health and Tryptophan and Tyrosine which offers Amino Acid with potent antioxidant properties. Eggs are an excellent source of lean protein, and is one of the foods which naturally contains Vitamin D.

    Health Benefits

Yes, there are benefits for you to remember the next time you are enjoying a favorite meal made with eggs, such as promoting cell activity, it's rich in Omega-3, a good source of energy as well and great for pregnant women.
Benefits of eggs also include, it's low in calories, lowers risk of mascular degeneration and cataracts, Promotes heart and cardio vascular health, benefits liver functioning as well as maintains healthy skin, nails, hair and bones. Aids in weight loss and even maintains healthy normal functioning of the thyroid, prevents muscle loss, contains zero trans, helps prevent strokes and heart attacks, and even prevents blood clots. Eat organic whenever possible because they contain more nutrients.  Eggs are a powerhouse in a very tiny package.

A Bad Rap

Eggs for years had suffered an unwholesome reputation because of it's
high cholesterol content. And for years still, many of us shunned
"Her" and consumed only the egg whites or better yet, ventured into
egg substitutes as a replacement for the real thing.
In 2000, The American Heart Association  revised the dietary guidelines and gave the green light to healthy adults to enjoy our favorite staple once again. The AHA's guidelines now advise and egg a day , while still advising a total daily of a 30 mg limit due to it's cholesterol content.
When the scientist's learned that high blood cholesterol was associated with heart disease, foods such as eggs, high in cholesterol became suspect.
But after 25 years of study, it became evident that cholesterol was not the culprit. Saturated fats has a much higher effect on blood cholesterol.
Full fat dairy products and meats are prime examples of foods loaded with saturated fats, which can trigger your body to produce bad cholesterol.


What's In An Egg?

With science on our side,  once again you can indulge and enjoy the egg, which contains the gold standard for protein. Eggs can be eaten scrambled, deviled, poached, pickled, fried, in a sandwich, with bacon, omelet, french toast, eaten in a salad or with your favorite sausage.
Peeled or not-  or canned boiled eggs,  what's stopping you from indulging and enjoying a good egg?

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Thursday, June 21, 2018

All things hair: The 5 Most Asked Questions About Hair Extensions

All things hair: The 5 Most Asked Questions About Hair Extensions: Hair Extensions have come a long way these last few years. And they are still regularly used. There are several advantages when using hair...

The 5 Most Asked Questions About Hair Extensions

Hair Extensions have come a long way these last few years. And they are still regularly used. There are several advantages when using hair extensions that can be very useful to you. The goal of hair extensions is to have the most natural look you can achieve. Natural, Human, or 100% Remy is the most desirable. Most women today, feel her hair is her crown of glory, and her hair is an important part of her personal appearance. She may also feel her hair makes her most feminine and even still feel helps her like herself more.

Hair extensions can help women with thinning hair regain their confidence and put the bounce back into her hair. And are an option for women looking to add volume or length to their thinning hair. Here is a list of the 5 most common questions I get asked from potential customers.

1. Can Hair Extensions Damage My hair?

Yes, any type of pressure/stress/strain to your hair can damage your hair and hair extensions are no exception to this rule. Especially , if it's not done properly. When installed properly by a professional, it can actually help your hair grow and become healthy. You can have your extensions braided, glued in or woven in. They come in all kinds of colors, so you can match them with your own hair color or add a highlights or lowlights effect.

2. What Are The Pros and Cons About Hair  Extensions?

Pros: Add length, volume, and color, can be a quick fix to a bad hair day, a bad hair cut, style up for those special occasions. With hair extensions, you don't have to wait for months and months for your hair to grow back, and you can experiment with different colors and texture combinations without damaging your natural hair. Good quality hair extensions can last you up to three months and you can style as you would your own hair.
Cons: Good quality hair extensions can be quite expensive depending on your installation method. Requires a couple of hours of sitting time due to installation, those with thin hair may find it difficult to carry or find it can pull on their own natural hair, if supporting braids become too tight can cause pain or headache in the scalp which could lead to hair loss or scabbing

3. Can You Have Thin Hair And Still Wear Extensions?

Yes,  you certainly can, I too have thinning hair so I know what that's like. It may appear like you don't have much hair, but you really do it's just very thin. But it's better to get a topper or weave net where you need them as opposed to a full head of extensions, in order to reduce the stress/strain on your natural hair. With thin hair you have to be very careful when brushing, because its easy to pull out.

4. Can I Still Install Hair Extensions If My Hair Is Short?

Yes, hair extensions can be used for any type of hair and there are many types available on the market today which can suit any hair type. Tape-ins, clip-ins, sew-ins to name a few. You name it, they are out there. The main tip when blending hair extensions with your short is to consider layering.
Without layering they can look totally unnatural. The result will look better than you can imagine.
All the while adding volume, a pop of color or add length.

5. Where Can I Get Hair Extensions?

 https:www.5deescollection.com has really great hair extensions. They are one of the best online and are known for their reasonable prices. They offer 9 choices of hair lengths, bundle deals, closures, in three hair textures.
While the use of hair extensions can provide you with freedom to play with your hair, keep in mind they can also damage your hair if done wrong. So, make sure you thoroughly educate yourself on the pros and cons of wearing them. And also make sure you consult the right hair stylist when checking out your best installation options. 
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Saturday, June 9, 2018

Best Strength Moves For Weight Loss

Actually, strength moves and training is so very important for weight loss. It helps because muscle helps you burn more calories. The more muscle you have the higher your metabolism.

When doing cardio you are actually burning a good amount of calories. But when you stop, your heart rate comes down that high calorie burn stops. Strength moves is just a part of your weight loss process. Not only does it help you burn calories but also tones and sculpts your body as well.
Weight machines, free weights, ropes, and resistance bands can become a part of your strength training workout plan too and essentially help you develop better body mechanics.
It's best to work 2-3 times per week and then rest 30-60 seconds after each set. Leave at least a day to rest between your workout routines. Each workout move targets multiple muscle groups so you can get a really thorough workout routine that will deliver real results. You will need 2 -5lb weights, a high back chair or similar support, a step stool or steps, a soft blanket or mat and some private time for yourself to get some strength training in, depending on your strength and endurance it could require more time or less, either way try and complete your full workout. But if you cannot finish,  work at your own pace and slowly work your way up to them. Even consider incorporating one or two in an already existing daily routine. Do not do any of these exercises if you have knee, shoulders or back injuries
Jump Squats
Works your glutes, and quadriceps. Requires a full squat and helps sculpt your legs and define your rear. 2-3 sets of 3-5 repetitions.
  1. 1. Stand tall with feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your torso upright core engaged and back flat, push your hips back and lower body until thighs are parallel to the floor.
  2. Push yourself back up explosively-jumping straight up. Land softly, lowering yourself immediately into the next repetitions.

  Squats to Overhead Press

 A two for one deal. This routine works your core, butt, glutes, hamstrings, and your back and shoulder muscles. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
1. Stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart, elbows firmly bent, weights in each hand, shoulder height and palms facing forward. Lower into a squatting position. and hold for a minute, making sure knees never go past your toes
2. Push through your heels to stand while pressing your weights over your head. Now return to your starting position,

One Leg Dumbbell Row

This one can be performed bent over with barbell or dumbbell. An effective back strengthening exercise and can be done, daily for better knees and pain free joints. This exercise works the core, biceps, butt, hamstring, quadriceps and shoulders. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions of each. Switch sides and then repeat.

1. Stand up tall holding a weight in your left hand. Bend your torso forward so your back is flat and almost parallel to the floor, rest your right hand on the back of a chair for support. Stretch left arm toward the floor with palm facing in, lift your left leg up behind you forming a T position.
2, Slowly bend your left elbow and draw weight up until even with torso and hold for one minute then lower back down.

Step Up/Bicep Curls 

This exercise works the glutes and the quads. You can have a workout partner spot you. This exercise also mimics walking up stairs and mainly targets the muscles of the lower body but variations can also target some upper body muscles as well. Do 3sets of 10-12 repetitions.

1. Stand up tall with left foot on a sturdy footstool or a step. Weights in each hand.
2. With your weight on left foot, lift up to stand on stool, raise up on right thigh so parallel to floor-at the same time curl weights up to your shoulders. Return to your starting position and repeat on both sides.      


The Dolphin Plank Pose

One of the most popular core building exercises. Builds body strength through resistance of your body weight, which helps to increase bone density. This pose strengthens the arms, legs and core muscles including the abdomen upper torso and lower back.  Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
1. Lie face down on spread out blanket or mat with toes tucked. Keep your forearms on the floor, pull belly button in toward spine and raise your hips to come into a lower plank position. 
2. Inhale while lifting your hips up to form an inverted V, then slowly return to your starting position.     

The Curtsy Lunge

A great leg workout, strengthens your lower body and shapes your butt and your thighs. Works on your core, butt, hamstrings, hips and quads. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions, switch sides and repeat.
1. Stand tall with feet hip width apart with hands on your hips. Take a giant step diagonally back with left foot and cross it behind your right; bend your knees as if curtsying as you reach your left hand toward the floor on the out side of your right foot.
2. Return to your starting position.

The Superman Position

Back strengthening position which largely targets muscles in the lower back, glute strength, fuction and gymnastic abilities. This one offers a unique benefit for lifters of all levels and skill sets. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
1. Lie face down on your blanket or mat with both your arms extended, toes pointed, palms down.
Inhale while extending arms and legs as high as you can, keep tail bone on mat and keep your knees straight, exhale slowly returning to starting position.  

According to Jazmine Whitmore at board of wisdom.com  "At the end of the day all you need is hope and strength. Hope that it will get better and strength to hold on until it does."

Friday, June 8, 2018

Who Made You Judge And Jury?

Not all women are created equal. The very last straw for me and the reason for this post is, while at the library, yes, the Public Library of all places, doing homework and research, sitting at a computer, in my own world, minding my own business.

I noticed three light-skinned girls, pretty little things no older than seven or eight years old.
These little things were pointing at and teasing a darker-skinned little girl, who seemed to be around the same age as the other girls who were teasing her, but she was sobbing and I assumed because of all the pointing and teasing directed at her. I looked around for adult supervision which seemed to be none in the vicinity.
Now mind you, the darker-skinned baby girl was pretty too-maybe a little darker than the others, and her hair wasn't as straight or as long , but just as pretty as the others in her own unique way just the same. 

The three little ones pointing her out were laughing and labeling 'her' as ugly, blackie, nappy head, raccoon, you get the picture. Nosey me watched this for a bit and looked around the room again, noticing several people were watching by now but nobody said anything or intervened on the little girls behalf. 
Again nosy me, I get up, walk over to the commotion and teasing  and ask the three little teasers "Why they were treating this little girl like this?" All three just looked up at me like I had antennas coming out of my head and was from the planet Mars, then all three left out that section still laughing and pointing but they did leave that poor teary eyed baby alone.
I then proceeded to sit down next to 'somebody's' pretty little teary eyed baby girl, this could have been one of my grand children, but I did try to console her and I told her "not to listen to that nonsense, that craziness, those girls should have been taught better at home, you're a very pretty girl and don't you ever forget that, do you hear me?" 
I  could tell she didn't want to smile or answer my question but she finally did and even gave me a teary-eyed  "thank you". I then gave her a nice little hug and a few peppermints which made her eyes light up.
By the way if anybody would have asked me any of their names, I didn't ask and they didn't tell. Actually, to make a point their names didn't matter to me, what mattered was right then and there letting that young mind know that not everybody thinks so small minded.
Those little girls didn't know any better they learn that at home.


That whole scenario took me back to when my oldest baby girl was in elementary school. She at the time was no bigger than these little girls.
The darker-skinned girls would pick at her back in the day, because she was pretty, light-skinned, with long hair and freckles to boot. These girls would point and tease at her back then too.
My point here is why?  Why do little girls and women have to be made to feel this way because of their looks? God didn't make every woman equal in the looks department., but we are all queens none the less. Not all women are created equal but we are all are equally beautiful and unique in our own way.
Why is the next woman less equal if she doesn't own a flat belly, bouncing perky boobs, beautiful natural nails, bushy eye brows or lashes, have hair down to her backside, have that perfect complexion, have a perfect model body, or perfect teeth etc, etc.
You get the picture, even in my everyday life I hear my black "DIAMONDS" putting other black women down- talking about the next woman is 'not natural'.


My question again is, who says she's not? "YOU" and what makes you a judge and a jury?
A whole lot of times and just not women of color, has to do what makes her feel better about herself. So what, if she enhances herself to feel more beautiful, to feel good about her, who is she hurting?
Instead of being supportive, of being happy for your sister in spirit and in Christ, that she has found a happy medium, a way to deal with her own imperfections we want to point the finger.
What makes the next woman a judge and a jury? I am guessing, it's just easier to throw dirt.
Yes, we all as women are human and it's surely human nature to throw dirt and be cruel to one another.
Let's be unique and throw some support, throw some love, it wouldn't cost anymore.


I  know personally, that there are millions of women of color and not, who feel the same as I do about making each other feel less than, but we as black women should be ashamed.
Whatever happened to- Live and Let Live-To Each Their Own and even Black Is Beautiful, no matter what the hue or shade?
Let's teach our young ones and our young women in particular and yes it does start at home.
We are all God's children. Red, yellow, black or white. I am unique, you are unique. Why? because God made us this way.

I will continue to say so what, if you are lighter than me, prettier than me, have longer locks than me, prettier nails or eyebrows, or even prettier lashes than me. Does that make you better than me? Our outside skin doesn't define what's on the inside. 
Let's continue to keep this in perspective because I love all my sisters and we are all despite the naysayers a product of our environment. And it's true, until we learn to do better, to be better, to open our eyes and love and feel for the next woman as we as women want to loved, nothings ever going to change and to me that's the crime.

I am not perfect and I can admit I've done it too in the past and mainly because it was done to me throughout my life. But I 've had to learn to do better, to be better.
Lastly, for  us older women, in our minds eye we were all pretty once and some may still be, some may even be a work in progress, but none the less, instead of putting the next sister or woman down work on you and build yourself up, it's never too late to feel good about yourself'.
We as women and I'm talking all women have our own stamped signature. We are unique to ourselves in our own special way. That statement alone is unique and carries a lot of weight.


Still Standing...despite the Stupidity and all the snide remarks...carry on.

What makes you unique? Please feel free to leave your comments below.
My imperfections makes me unique: mine are too many to name.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

What is Traction Alopecia?

Hair loss can not only just affect your scalp, but can affect your entire head. It can come from an array of causes, such as heredity, hormonal changes, medications, medical conditions and anyone can experience hair loss men, women &children.


Hair Loss and Baldness                    

Hair loss can lead to baldness which typically can be referred to as excessive hair loss from your scalp. Heredity hair loss due to age is also typically the most common cause. Some women and even men tend to let their hair loss run it's course untreated and unhidden. While others may choose one or more treatments offered to prevent further hair loss or damage. Still others may choose to cover it up with hairstyles, hats, makeup, or scarves. A majority of the men who experience hair loss will just cut it all off and go bald. But with women, it's a different story altogether and our hair for us is considered our "crown" and glory, so baldness tends to be looked at in a whole different light.

Hair loss can appear in many different ways, depending on the cause in the first place. Spotting can come on suddenly or gradually and affect your scalp or your whole head. Some hair loss can prove to be temporary or permanent.

              Traction Alopecia

Traction Alopecia is a form of gradual hair loss, mainly caused by a frequent pulling force that's being applied to your hair. This can also come from frequently wearing your hair in exceptionally tight braids, cornrows or from a lot of women's favorite hairstyle the ponytail. It can also be seen in long-haired individuals who use barrettes to keep their hair out of their face. It is true, many of today's hair styling methods can create stupendous looks to add that touch of panache to your appearance. Hair extensions can help give the fullness and length you want to achieve. However, some of you women reading this may be happy to know many celebrities too suffer from hair loss too just like us regular folks do.
Essentially, any method of pulling hair from the root stresses your natural hair which can result in hair breakage and baldness related to traction alopecia. Appearing predominately in women and it is more common than we realize. It is essentially the decline of your hairline with the constant pulling and traction usually a fringe along the marginal hairline. Even though the "fringe sign" is considered useful clinical markers, cases of frontal fibrosing alopecia presented with a visual retention of the hairline has been characterized.

We found out, Traction Alopecia can appear if you frequently wear ponytails, braids or cornrows, even use from tight rollers, hats, headwear, hair relaxers, and using relaxers and hair extensions at the same time may cause this too.

  Warning Signs To Watch For

Warning signs to watch out for can come in the form of bumps, itchiness, scaling, redness of the scalp, receding hairline, headaches, pus filled blisters on your scalp, and pain from hair tension. 
The good news is it can be reversible, but you need to act quickly because if detected early it can be reversed. You may have to shorten the length of time your hair is in certain hairstyles or may have to find a new hairstyle altogether. A trusted dermatologist or hair loss expert can help you make the best choice for you or advise you of the available course of action to take. If you allow these symptoms to progress, your hair loss can become permanent. Traction Alopecia can also be known as tension alopecia, ballerina baldness or traumatic alopecia.
 There is several treatment option available to you on the market to purchase, just be assured help is out there and your hair can regrow. Before looking into any of these options make sure you talk to your doctor first about the cause of your hair loss and your specific treatment options.
 Occasion wearing of your tight hairstyles is not a problem because some hair loss is considered normal. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, humans lose between 50-100 hairs everyday, which are usually replaced by new hair growth. Not a life threatening concern, but can have adverse psychological effects.
For a more in depth analysis you can go to TractionAlopecia.com
We welcome you to surf through our collection of informed and knowledgeable articles about Traction Alopecia. Was created to help inform people on what they can do to correct this form of hair loss.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Top 4 Most Influential Females In Bussiness!

According to Addicted2 Success, one of the #1 motivational and inspirational sites full of quotes and inspiring articles for entrepreneurs and Time Magazine states: These 4 women are some of the most influential and successful female entrepreneurs of our time.

Cher Wang

She ranks so highly on the list and perhaps arguably the top ranking female entrepreneur in the free world. Her wealth is basically of her own making rather than being born wealthy. 
She spent many years manufacturing cell phones for other people which ultimately earned her a substantial fortune. Today she has an established worth net of $6.8billion.
She set up her own smart phone company HTC and VIA Technologies and ever since 2010 has gained notoriety in the smart phone market. A Taiwaneese  entrepreneur and philanthropist born in Taipei, Taiwan
HTC makes more than one out of every six smart phones currently on the American market. Creating products directly for major brands such as Verizon, Sprint & T Mobile in reaction to perceived customer needs. You may not have ever heard of her, but she is undoubtedly influential in her market and entire net worth is entirely of her own skillset than any other factor.

Oprah Winfrey

No most influential list would be complete without the most recognizable face in talk show history. She is worth an estimated $2.7 billion, and it's no wonder she can afford to hand out free cars and anything else imaginable to her audience members.

 She was born of Afro American descent and most of her large fortune has been largely due to creating television that women love to watch. As for just being content with appearing on television, she has gone on to excel in other forms of the media. A leader since she influences and has touched so many lives around the world  She has given her unsolicited opinion on some critical issues that effect the globe which shows her leadership qualities. And as for being influential she's had former President Barack Obama as a honorary guest not once but twice along with an A list of several other world famous people,  celebrities and such and she has donated millions to make our world a better place to live. 

Angela Merkel

As Germany's first female leader and her decisions today are likely to impact Germany's history tomorrow. Her influential and persuasive skills have affected millions of Europeans and billions of others around the world.
Great responsibilities rests on her shoulders as leader of Europe's most powerful and richest economy. The global economy completely is in her hands. She was also Time Magazines "Person of the Year", according to them "Her potential style was not to have one. No flair, no flourishes, no charisma, just survivors  of power and a scientist's devotion to data". 

Indra Nooyi

Current Chairwomen and CEO of PepsiCo, which happens to be the second most largest food and drink company on the planet. Her style of leadership is both task oriented and relationship oriented. And she was on Time Magazine's list of "Contenders" for it's Global Business Influential rankings in 2003. She not only has outshined in business but in academia as well earning degrees in Chemistry, Mathematics, an MBA in management, and Physics but also has earned a Masters Degree in Public and Private Management
Born in Calcutta, India she is one of the most powerful women in business having held executive positions in many of the world's top companies. Known for her strategic thinking and a leader for all seasons.
 All four of these influential and powerful women are amazing and successful in their own right. They all have a story to tell and have overcome high odds of failure to reach their ultimate potential. Each one has generously influenced millions of women around the world. In conclusion, these four successful female entrepreneurs have contributed so much to our lives and rightly serve as great inspirations for other women hoping to imitate their accomplishments.
Your list may or may not look like mine but I can guarantee that we can totally agree that women have contributed and had an impact on the world in the past, present, and in future endeavors.