Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Good Egg


Eggs once were once known as the nutritional no, no for quite sometime, but quite frankly what would we do without the egg?
Eggs as a food are laid by the female animals of many different species which includes birds, amphibians, fish, reptiles and mammals and have been consumed by our human species for thousands and thousands of years.
The most commonly consumed eggs are of the chicken. Other popular eggs can include the duck and the quail also fish eggs are called roe or caviar.
Eggs certainly is a dietary mainstay and sometimes the main staple not only for our breakfast but for so many other meals today as well.

The Good Egg

Good eggs for nutrition, they are very hard to beat. Eggs have so many benefits and are known as a powerhouse of disease fighting nutrients.
Did you know that eggs are a good source of vitamins, and antioxidants? Vitamins: A, B6, E and contains Copper, Folic Acid, loaded with Iron, Potassium, and Calcium. Along with choline which supports and boots brain development, memory and concentration. Lutein and Zeaxanthin which supports vision health and Tryptophan and Tyrosine which offers Amino Acid with potent antioxidant properties. Eggs are an excellent source of lean protein, and is one of the foods which naturally contains Vitamin D.

    Health Benefits

Yes, there are benefits for you to remember the next time you are enjoying a favorite meal made with eggs, such as promoting cell activity, it's rich in Omega-3, a good source of energy as well and great for pregnant women.
Benefits of eggs also include, it's low in calories, lowers risk of mascular degeneration and cataracts, Promotes heart and cardio vascular health, benefits liver functioning as well as maintains healthy skin, nails, hair and bones. Aids in weight loss and even maintains healthy normal functioning of the thyroid, prevents muscle loss, contains zero trans, helps prevent strokes and heart attacks, and even prevents blood clots. Eat organic whenever possible because they contain more nutrients.  Eggs are a powerhouse in a very tiny package.

A Bad Rap

Eggs for years had suffered an unwholesome reputation because of it's
high cholesterol content. And for years still, many of us shunned
"Her" and consumed only the egg whites or better yet, ventured into
egg substitutes as a replacement for the real thing.
In 2000, The American Heart Association  revised the dietary guidelines and gave the green light to healthy adults to enjoy our favorite staple once again. The AHA's guidelines now advise and egg a day , while still advising a total daily of a 30 mg limit due to it's cholesterol content.
When the scientist's learned that high blood cholesterol was associated with heart disease, foods such as eggs, high in cholesterol became suspect.
But after 25 years of study, it became evident that cholesterol was not the culprit. Saturated fats has a much higher effect on blood cholesterol.
Full fat dairy products and meats are prime examples of foods loaded with saturated fats, which can trigger your body to produce bad cholesterol.


What's In An Egg?

With science on our side,  once again you can indulge and enjoy the egg, which contains the gold standard for protein. Eggs can be eaten scrambled, deviled, poached, pickled, fried, in a sandwich, with bacon, omelet, french toast, eaten in a salad or with your favorite sausage.
Peeled or not-  or canned boiled eggs,  what's stopping you from indulging and enjoying a good egg?

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