Saturday, June 9, 2018

Best Strength Moves For Weight Loss

Actually, strength moves and training is so very important for weight loss. It helps because muscle helps you burn more calories. The more muscle you have the higher your metabolism.

When doing cardio you are actually burning a good amount of calories. But when you stop, your heart rate comes down that high calorie burn stops. Strength moves is just a part of your weight loss process. Not only does it help you burn calories but also tones and sculpts your body as well.
Weight machines, free weights, ropes, and resistance bands can become a part of your strength training workout plan too and essentially help you develop better body mechanics.
It's best to work 2-3 times per week and then rest 30-60 seconds after each set. Leave at least a day to rest between your workout routines. Each workout move targets multiple muscle groups so you can get a really thorough workout routine that will deliver real results. You will need 2 -5lb weights, a high back chair or similar support, a step stool or steps, a soft blanket or mat and some private time for yourself to get some strength training in, depending on your strength and endurance it could require more time or less, either way try and complete your full workout. But if you cannot finish,  work at your own pace and slowly work your way up to them. Even consider incorporating one or two in an already existing daily routine. Do not do any of these exercises if you have knee, shoulders or back injuries
Jump Squats
Works your glutes, and quadriceps. Requires a full squat and helps sculpt your legs and define your rear. 2-3 sets of 3-5 repetitions.
  1. 1. Stand tall with feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your torso upright core engaged and back flat, push your hips back and lower body until thighs are parallel to the floor.
  2. Push yourself back up explosively-jumping straight up. Land softly, lowering yourself immediately into the next repetitions.

  Squats to Overhead Press

 A two for one deal. This routine works your core, butt, glutes, hamstrings, and your back and shoulder muscles. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
1. Stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart, elbows firmly bent, weights in each hand, shoulder height and palms facing forward. Lower into a squatting position. and hold for a minute, making sure knees never go past your toes
2. Push through your heels to stand while pressing your weights over your head. Now return to your starting position,

One Leg Dumbbell Row

This one can be performed bent over with barbell or dumbbell. An effective back strengthening exercise and can be done, daily for better knees and pain free joints. This exercise works the core, biceps, butt, hamstring, quadriceps and shoulders. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions of each. Switch sides and then repeat.

1. Stand up tall holding a weight in your left hand. Bend your torso forward so your back is flat and almost parallel to the floor, rest your right hand on the back of a chair for support. Stretch left arm toward the floor with palm facing in, lift your left leg up behind you forming a T position.
2, Slowly bend your left elbow and draw weight up until even with torso and hold for one minute then lower back down.

Step Up/Bicep Curls 

This exercise works the glutes and the quads. You can have a workout partner spot you. This exercise also mimics walking up stairs and mainly targets the muscles of the lower body but variations can also target some upper body muscles as well. Do 3sets of 10-12 repetitions.

1. Stand up tall with left foot on a sturdy footstool or a step. Weights in each hand.
2. With your weight on left foot, lift up to stand on stool, raise up on right thigh so parallel to floor-at the same time curl weights up to your shoulders. Return to your starting position and repeat on both sides.      


The Dolphin Plank Pose

One of the most popular core building exercises. Builds body strength through resistance of your body weight, which helps to increase bone density. This pose strengthens the arms, legs and core muscles including the abdomen upper torso and lower back.  Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
1. Lie face down on spread out blanket or mat with toes tucked. Keep your forearms on the floor, pull belly button in toward spine and raise your hips to come into a lower plank position. 
2. Inhale while lifting your hips up to form an inverted V, then slowly return to your starting position.     

The Curtsy Lunge

A great leg workout, strengthens your lower body and shapes your butt and your thighs. Works on your core, butt, hamstrings, hips and quads. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions, switch sides and repeat.
1. Stand tall with feet hip width apart with hands on your hips. Take a giant step diagonally back with left foot and cross it behind your right; bend your knees as if curtsying as you reach your left hand toward the floor on the out side of your right foot.
2. Return to your starting position.

The Superman Position

Back strengthening position which largely targets muscles in the lower back, glute strength, fuction and gymnastic abilities. This one offers a unique benefit for lifters of all levels and skill sets. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
1. Lie face down on your blanket or mat with both your arms extended, toes pointed, palms down.
Inhale while extending arms and legs as high as you can, keep tail bone on mat and keep your knees straight, exhale slowly returning to starting position.  

According to Jazmine Whitmore at board of  "At the end of the day all you need is hope and strength. Hope that it will get better and strength to hold on until it does."

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