Friday, June 8, 2018

Who Made You Judge And Jury?

Not all women are created equal. The very last straw for me and the reason for this post is, while at the library, yes, the Public Library of all places, doing homework and research, sitting at a computer, in my own world, minding my own business.

I noticed three light-skinned girls, pretty little things no older than seven or eight years old.
These little things were pointing at and teasing a darker-skinned little girl, who seemed to be around the same age as the other girls who were teasing her, but she was sobbing and I assumed because of all the pointing and teasing directed at her. I looked around for adult supervision which seemed to be none in the vicinity.
Now mind you, the darker-skinned baby girl was pretty too-maybe a little darker than the others, and her hair wasn't as straight or as long , but just as pretty as the others in her own unique way just the same. 

The three little ones pointing her out were laughing and labeling 'her' as ugly, blackie, nappy head, raccoon, you get the picture. Nosey me watched this for a bit and looked around the room again, noticing several people were watching by now but nobody said anything or intervened on the little girls behalf. 
Again nosy me, I get up, walk over to the commotion and teasing  and ask the three little teasers "Why they were treating this little girl like this?" All three just looked up at me like I had antennas coming out of my head and was from the planet Mars, then all three left out that section still laughing and pointing but they did leave that poor teary eyed baby alone.
I then proceeded to sit down next to 'somebody's' pretty little teary eyed baby girl, this could have been one of my grand children, but I did try to console her and I told her "not to listen to that nonsense, that craziness, those girls should have been taught better at home, you're a very pretty girl and don't you ever forget that, do you hear me?" 
I  could tell she didn't want to smile or answer my question but she finally did and even gave me a teary-eyed  "thank you". I then gave her a nice little hug and a few peppermints which made her eyes light up.
By the way if anybody would have asked me any of their names, I didn't ask and they didn't tell. Actually, to make a point their names didn't matter to me, what mattered was right then and there letting that young mind know that not everybody thinks so small minded.
Those little girls didn't know any better they learn that at home.


That whole scenario took me back to when my oldest baby girl was in elementary school. She at the time was no bigger than these little girls.
The darker-skinned girls would pick at her back in the day, because she was pretty, light-skinned, with long hair and freckles to boot. These girls would point and tease at her back then too.
My point here is why?  Why do little girls and women have to be made to feel this way because of their looks? God didn't make every woman equal in the looks department., but we are all queens none the less. Not all women are created equal but we are all are equally beautiful and unique in our own way.
Why is the next woman less equal if she doesn't own a flat belly, bouncing perky boobs, beautiful natural nails, bushy eye brows or lashes, have hair down to her backside, have that perfect complexion, have a perfect model body, or perfect teeth etc, etc.
You get the picture, even in my everyday life I hear my black "DIAMONDS" putting other black women down- talking about the next woman is 'not natural'.


My question again is, who says she's not? "YOU" and what makes you a judge and a jury?
A whole lot of times and just not women of color, has to do what makes her feel better about herself. So what, if she enhances herself to feel more beautiful, to feel good about her, who is she hurting?
Instead of being supportive, of being happy for your sister in spirit and in Christ, that she has found a happy medium, a way to deal with her own imperfections we want to point the finger.
What makes the next woman a judge and a jury? I am guessing, it's just easier to throw dirt.
Yes, we all as women are human and it's surely human nature to throw dirt and be cruel to one another.
Let's be unique and throw some support, throw some love, it wouldn't cost anymore.


I  know personally, that there are millions of women of color and not, who feel the same as I do about making each other feel less than, but we as black women should be ashamed.
Whatever happened to- Live and Let Live-To Each Their Own and even Black Is Beautiful, no matter what the hue or shade?
Let's teach our young ones and our young women in particular and yes it does start at home.
We are all God's children. Red, yellow, black or white. I am unique, you are unique. Why? because God made us this way.

I will continue to say so what, if you are lighter than me, prettier than me, have longer locks than me, prettier nails or eyebrows, or even prettier lashes than me. Does that make you better than me? Our outside skin doesn't define what's on the inside. 
Let's continue to keep this in perspective because I love all my sisters and we are all despite the naysayers a product of our environment. And it's true, until we learn to do better, to be better, to open our eyes and love and feel for the next woman as we as women want to loved, nothings ever going to change and to me that's the crime.

I am not perfect and I can admit I've done it too in the past and mainly because it was done to me throughout my life. But I 've had to learn to do better, to be better.
Lastly, for  us older women, in our minds eye we were all pretty once and some may still be, some may even be a work in progress, but none the less, instead of putting the next sister or woman down work on you and build yourself up, it's never too late to feel good about yourself'.
We as women and I'm talking all women have our own stamped signature. We are unique to ourselves in our own special way. That statement alone is unique and carries a lot of weight.


Still Standing...despite the Stupidity and all the snide remarks...carry on.

What makes you unique? Please feel free to leave your comments below.
My imperfections makes me unique: mine are too many to name.

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